martes, 14 de abril de 2015

Continuous Assessment 1 (CA 1) > Webquest 1

1.1 Respond to the 10 questions in this section. According to your results, what is your favorite dog breed's name? Canaan Dog

1.2 Vocabulary Activity: These words appear in the dog breed questionnaire. Look for the meanings AND add 5 more words that you don't know from the same questionnaire.

example: sprinter: (a dog) that can run very fast in short distances (velocista)
to hunt: de caza
watchdog: perro guardian
1.warm: tibio2.laid-back: tranquilo
3. towards: hacia
4.devote: dedicarse
5.sprinter: velocista.

> Activity 2.- Select 2 SHOWS that attract your attention. In two lines for each show, tell me why you want to watch these shows.

Show 1:River monsters: i want to watch this show to know very different species of fish in a river, meet their form and take care of this "monsters".

Show 2:mermaids:i want know more with this documentary show, i'm very interested in this mythologic creatures, i belive in her existence and i like watch videos prove it.

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